Fuel (Diesel, Petrol & Gas)

01- Bulk Fuel Supply
Kaam Enterprises Company Ltd supplies diesel, petrol and lubricants as a wholesaler to bulk end-users. Tannoy sources its products from different mainstream suppliers, which have allocations with most major oil companies in the region.
02- Fuel Transportation
Kaam Enterprises Company Ltd offers fuel transportation services by our fleet of tankers to all regions of South Sudan by road, river and air. All our trucks are HAZCHEM compliant, ensuring safe delivery and minimal environment impact.
03- Fuel Depot Management
Managing fuel depots requires specialized skills in liquid fuels management, safety and environmen- tal protection. Hence Tannoy offers its customers innovative depot management solutions that suites their business needs. By employing state of the art fuel management systems Maxfair ensures that its customers can eliminate fuel losses due to unauthorized fuel dispensing.
04- Fuel Depot Development
Kaam Enterprises Company Ltd can also assist its customers to build their own fuel depots. The company offers assistance to its customers who do not have the technical and financial capability to develop their own fuel depots can own and operate such facilities with ease.